Winner is Turning 1
Without prejudice to our respect, we invite you to attend our son birthday party.

Muhammad Brilian
Winner Alfarizky

Minggu, 03 Desember 2023

Muhammad Brilian Winner Alfarizky

The first son of
Ayah Danung & Bunda Muyas

Happy Moments

My Special

Birthday Party

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Birthday Party

Minggu, 03 Desember 2023

15.30-17.00 WIB

KFC Ngarsopuro :
Jl. Slamet Riyadi, Keprabon, Kec. Banjarsari, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah

Give a Wish

RSVP Via Whatsapp

Our Pray
& Hope

health protocols

Without reducing respect, due to the current situation in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we respectfully request all guests to maintain health protocols.