Cecil's 1st Birthday
Let's Join Us to My Birthday Party


Is Turning One

Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Cecilia Claire Bintoro

The Blessed Daughter of
Mr. Citra & Mrs. Chika

My Special

Birthday Party

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Birthday Party

19 July 2023

16.00 WIB
Till End

Saung Engkong
Jl. A. Damyati No.11, RT.006/RW.003, Sukarasa, Kec. Tangerang, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15118

Since in the womb, you are the source of happiness that we always pray for. You will grow up to be a child blessed with health and love.

My Happy Moments

Send Wish

Rsvp Via Whatsapp

" And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him "

~ LUKE 2 : 40 ~

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Kirim Kado
Villa Tangerang Indah Jl. G. Rinjani I GB.3 No.14 RT.01 RW.13 Kec. Periuk Kel. Gebang Raya. Tangerang - 15132

By not reducing respect, our event use

health protocols

Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, dikarenakan situasi yang sedang terjadi ditengah pandemi covid-19 ini kami memohon dengan hormat kepada seluruh tamu untuk menjaga protokol kesehatan.

Cuci Tangan

Gunakan Masker

Jaga Jarak

Tidak Berjabat Tangan

Hindari Kerumunan

Gunakan Handsanitizer